Marc Morgenstern

Mentor at Large, since 2021

Favorite book?
Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy
What is your superpower?
I listen like a jam band musician.
Bucket list item?
Don't believe in them. Suggests that goals in life are finite. There's always more to learn, see, hear, experience, and aspire to.

Arthur Clarke said it best. "Today's magic is tomorrow's science". That's what Cal, The House Fund, and our AI Accelerator prove every day. What a joy to be immersed in it.


Marc is the Managing Partner and Founder of early-stage investor Blue Mesa Partners and taught "Street Smart Startups" at UC Berkeley's Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology. He's a veteran dealmaker and entrepreneur with 400+ successful transactions and billions of dollars of buying, selling, and financing innovative and disruptive businesses from Silicon Valley to Shanghai as principal, advisor, or counsel. Marc is a passionate Deadhead as well as a blues and rock musician. He has been on the board of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame since 1994 (Technology Committee) and of San Francisco's Rex Foundation (founded by the Grateful Dead) since 2011.

Marc speaks and writes about deals, negotiating, investors, and early-stage companies. He wrote the "Definitive Deal Dictionary" (and 25 other articles about deals, negotiating, venture, and startups) and frequently speaks on those topics on podcasts, radio, or events. Marc also authored "The Soul of the Deal: Creative frameworks for buying, selling, and investing in any business" (Rodin Books; 2022). His observations have appeared in The New York Times, Bloomberg Deal newsletter, Newsmax, and Wall Street Journal.

He earned his BA from Yale and J.D. from Boston University.

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